Monday 13 June 2016



For this assignment we was allowed to pick a unique topic of our liking, therefore we was allowed to choose anything for the Final major project we had to create more than one final piece, I firstly created a brainstorm idea where I got many ideas for my final project, one idea I was thinking of doing was a t-shirt design, but then I realized it was too mainstream, therefore instead I chose to do something different which was to design two video game covers which consisted of a good and bad character and a poster to go with it, the platform for my game I chose was (Xbox one) because Xbox games are one of the most popular selling. I firstly created a schedule which helped me out on when and how long I got left to finish my project.

 Furthermore for my research I had to go into shops and take images of the games covers to get ideas, The games that I researched was
Assassins Creed : Syndicate, Fallout 4, Star wars : Battlefront and Tom Clancys : The Division. I researched into their masks, characters and the backgrounds of them. Moreover I researched different masks online, for my evil character, and I chose to persue one of the masks shape but change it when editing. I done the same for my good character, I researched masks for the character and I got ideas of shapes for my mask. Also I researched game developers such as Activision and Bethesda and discussed the games they have created.For further research, I went to NCN Adams library and got ideas from the books Michael Stratczynki, J (2007). Thor vol 3. Us: Marvel. And Miller, M (2005). The Ultimates Vol 2. Us: Marvel. These books helped me with colours and textures for my masks which I was going to include on my game covers. I also created a Survey Monkey where I asked members of the public questions. I chose to make the target audience 16 + this is so I have a mature audience also due to the masks designs, you can see this in my Mask research (evil characters) blog''. Also it is for any sex and it is for everyone it is also affordable for the average person so everyone is able to purchase this game no matter their income.

Moreover I started to take images of buildings for my background on my video game covers to do this I went to Sky-gardens In London and took my photography there, after that I created three contact sheets.I also discussed which Images I was going to use and wasn’t going to use I believe my photography went well because I used different ISO settings throughout the main ISO settings I used was 100, 200 and 300 this is because the lighting levels changed throughout the day in addition I have used an aperture of F16 for all my images this is because it was a wide shot of buildings. After that I started to draw sketches of my masks which I wanted to do, I done this on paper using a pencil. For my evil character I created a full face mask I got this idea from my Survey-monkey results and my primary research into other masks, I sketched a half face mask for my hero character I got this Idea also from Survey Monkey and primary research. In addition when I finished my sketches I took a picture of them and uploaded them onto Adobe Illustrator where I traced over them using a graphics tablet which NCN Adams college provided me with when tracing I used the brush and pen tool, I used the eraser tool to remove parts that was unnecessary. I changed some of the designs on the masks when I was tracing over them, for example for my hero character I changed the design of the half face mask a little bit and I added a face onto it which included a hat too.

When I finished sketching I imported the masks onto Photoshop the first mask I imported was the evil characters, I added different colours onto it, after that I added bevel and emboss and shadows to it to make it look eye-catching and realistic, I also added textures onto the mask, moreover I used tools such as the curves tool for light/dark tone and the texture tool to give the character a human skin texture. After I finished designing the hero character I Added an Xbox One template on a new page in Photoshop then after that I started to add the background images For the background images I sharpened them and I also used filters from the filter gallery section, the filter that I used for the front and back images where poster edges, In addition after I had edited the background images I added the game description on the back and then I created the title in big and bold and placed it at the front and on the side of the game cover, also I added age restrictions and logo on the bottom and finally I placed my hero character on the front of the cover below the title.

When designing the second game cover I firstly added the Xbox one template on a new page and I added the background images, I also used a filter on the background images the filter I used was photocopy, this gave it a dark effect when I finished editing the background images I added the game description and I also created a moon. I also added the title on the front and side. I added the age restrictions and logo on it too, finally I added the villain on the front of the cover. When designing my poster I firstly cropped the hero and villains faces diagonal then I attached them together, so it’s a good vs evil poster, I also connected the two different backgrounds together where they meet in the middle and fade I added the title on both the top and bottom of the poster so the viewers can choose which way they want the poster to be hung.

In conclusion I believe everything went successful, I used my own photography and own designing techniques to create everything my research helped me out a lot such as Survey Monkey where I got other viewers opinions on different characters and backgrounds, also book research, game research and mask research helped me achieve my goal.

My PowerPoint presentation went well because I showed most of my work and how I produced it also my research, I had a loud and clear voice for the camera so other viewers can hear it properly.I have feedback on my PowerPoint presentations.


Fmp presentation

This is my first slide where I brainstormed ideas and looked at which ones I came across such as Tshirt design

For my proposal I said I was going to use photography and designing skills to accomplish my two game covers a poster and logo

For my research I explained how I went to the shop Game and took images of other games covers to get ideas from them and see which ones could help me

Morover on this slide I explained my mask research online to see which masks were suitable, also my survey monkey questionnaire where I got other peoples opinions

For further research I talked about researching into Marvel books to get ideas from characters

For this slide I talked about how I went to Sky-gardens In London and took images of different buildings throughout the day/ the camera adjustments

I explained how I created my first game cover, I used Photoshop and Illustrator/ the tools I used

On this slide I talked about how this is my second game cover creation I used the same software's when creating this too.

I explained how for my poster creation I cropped two of the main characters and merged them together this looked proffesional

these were the things I enjoyed such as creating my logo, and characters also research and all other finished work.

Feedback from other pupils

Thursday 19 May 2016

Why my poster is successful


I believe my poster is succesfull because I have merged the good and bad together, So when you want to hang the poster on a wall you can place the poster both sides (upside down or straight) whichever one you want. The characters are exactly in the middle of the poster, this is so there is room for the titles on each end. I have also  faded two of the backgrounds together so it looks proffesional and smooth. The titles on each end are grey/blue this is so they both stand out on each end of the poster. I made the poster  an a3 size because it is the international size for all posters.

Why I believe my game covers are Successful

Hero game

I believe my game cover is succesfull because it looks proffesional The title is big and bold which stands out, also it fits the colour scheme which my poster uses a lot of navy/dark-blue, I placed the title on the skyline because I believe that was the best position for eye-level. In addition the hero character whos name is Brave Gloom is on the front cover-full face this is so it looks like the character is looking directly at you. Furthermore the backgrounds filter stands out I have used the same filter on the image on the back of the cover, I have also added a Title on the back which tells the viewers what is happening. Then I have information below the title which gives detail of the game and what is happening, I have made these in white because it is eye-catching since the background is a little dark at the bottom.

Villain Game

My villain game cover is succesfull because it also has a title which is big and bold, the title also has a white outline so it can stand out even more from the black background, The position is the same because I believe the position suits everyones eye-level, I added the villain character which is also in the same place I got the idea of making two game cover (one evil one good) from my responses on Surveymonkey. The background on the image is dark and gloomy with some light that stands out, I believe this fits the criteria which is dark& evil. Also I have done the same thing for the image on the back but I have used a different image and have added a moon that is looking over the city. The text stands out because its white on black.

Tuesday 17 May 2016

Creation of poster and final poster

Creation of my poster

For my poster design I first added an the closeup image of the evil character, After that I went onto the polygonal lasso tool to start to crop half of the face of the character

I then cropped half of the face, diagonal I had to make sure the Line was straight so it looked professional .

Furthermore I done the same thing for my hero character, Because I was going to flip the character, I done this exactly the same place so when I flip it it would perfectly be symmetrical.

Furthermore I flipped the image 180 degrees symmetrically so it was upside down this is because I want my poster to be symmetrical all the way through

I then added the evil characters background onto the image and faded the skyline when it got to the middle of the poster

In addition I added the hero characters background on, and flipped it 180 degrees symmetrical-furthermore I faded the skyline on this image too so it fits together with the other background

I added the title I changed the colour to a blue/white colour so it stands out, I added the 'Br studios'' logo on the bottom aswell.

I then added another title and rotated it so you can read the title when the poster is rotated.
and I added the logo on the top left hand side of the poster so its symmetrical.

I believe everything went successful especially the dimensions on this poster, I made the paper an A3  size so because that's the international poster size.

The skyline looks professional because its faded together.

Thursday 12 May 2016

Creation of Villain game cover

Creation of villain Xbox one game cover

Firstly I added one the game template and the games description which was in white, also I added the age rating on, and small logo,  then I added an image of a city scape that I took from my camera, but I wanted to darken the image because I wanted it to look evil and scary.

          So I went onto filter - filter gallery this option me me choose which palette I wanted for my                  background

                              I on the palette menu I chose the photocopy, texture, because This gave an outline of the city in white which looks professional, and makes every single building and detail stand out.

I then added another image that I took of buildings and gave it the same effect (photocopy) I added that ti the back of the cover.

Furthermore I added black skys to it from using the rectangle tool and filling it in black also I used the paint brush tool and changed the colour to black and opacity to 40% and fill to 40% to blend the darkness of the skys with the buildings together, I also added some darkness below the description of the game so the description stands out.

I then added the title 'Soulkeeper' I placed it on the black sky to make it stand out

I changed the colour of it to grey so it suits the dark setting, I added an outer glow which was white this is so it is eye-catching and glows.

When creating the moon I used the ellipse tool to create a white circle on a black background.

I added bevel and emboss to the circle which gave it a 3D effect, I also added contour and  texture which was from photoshops own selection, the texture looks realistic and gives realism to the circle, I added inner glow and inner shadows to give it a small shadow on the outline. Also I added outer glow to make it look like there is light coming from the moon.

After that I added the moon on the side of the image so it looks like the moon is shining over the dark city.

 I then added the title again onto the side of the game cover and I added 'Londons last stand' to finish the description I done this in white too , then I added my evil character on the front cover.

I then added an outer glow on the evil character to make him stand out, and blend in with the front cover,

This is my finalized game cover, I believe everything went successful because all the colours match the evil theme, such as the title which matches the grey on the characters mask, and the black and white theme.

Wednesday 11 May 2016

Creation of hero game cover

How I created the first game cover,

I got a template for an xbox one game online, because My games are going to be on this platform.

Secondly I added an image I took from my camera for the background image for my game, I wanted to a city scape, to make my game look like an action/type, because many games have buildings in them therefore I added an image of my own.

After that I chose filter - then gallery, And I chose the poster edges filter and adjusted the settings on it for my liking,

This is what it looked like after I changed the settings.

I then added another image I took from my camera, to the other back of the game cover, these two buildings are very well-known in London therefore I added them because my game is going to be based in London aswell., I added the same filter on filter-gallery so it doesnt look odd.

When I added the second Image on, I also added two lens flares on my game cover, One on the front and one on the back for more realism.

Furthermore I added the hero on the front of the cover, because this game cover is for the hero.

I added a description about my game onto the back for viewers to see, this description gives the viewers a slight detail of what my game is based on, Also I blurred the bottom of the image on the back so the text stands out

I chose these effects to make the text eye-catching and I chose the colour white so its simple and easy to read.

I then added my title which is 'Soulkeeper' it stands out and is connected to the description of the game, when you read the description you will know why the title is called ''Soulkeeper''

The effects I added onto the title was bevel and emboss to give it some 3d look, and colour overlay, and I made it navy so its the same colour as the helmet on the character.

To create the logo of the company who made the game I first used the ellipse tool and created one circle and one oval

I then changed the colour of the oval to white and placed it on-top of the black circle

I added these effects to it, I made it grey with some texture from Photoshop to give it a distinct look and make it stand out.

I then added the title of the game to the side of the cover, and I added ''text to the logo of the company which was ''br'' and I also added studios, this is the name I gave to the company.

I then added a 16+ logo to the game because that Is the target audience of my game, and I added ''Londons last stand'' as a subheading to finilaze the description and give small detail of what the description is going to be based on

This is what the finished cover looks like, I believe everything went successful, Because the character stands out and the city-scape is eye-catching with the poster edges filter on it, the title is the same colour as the helmet this is so it fits the theme and is not odd.