Thursday 12 May 2016

Creation of Villain game cover

Creation of villain Xbox one game cover

Firstly I added one the game template and the games description which was in white, also I added the age rating on, and small logo,  then I added an image of a city scape that I took from my camera, but I wanted to darken the image because I wanted it to look evil and scary.

          So I went onto filter - filter gallery this option me me choose which palette I wanted for my                  background

                              I on the palette menu I chose the photocopy, texture, because This gave an outline of the city in white which looks professional, and makes every single building and detail stand out.

I then added another image that I took of buildings and gave it the same effect (photocopy) I added that ti the back of the cover.

Furthermore I added black skys to it from using the rectangle tool and filling it in black also I used the paint brush tool and changed the colour to black and opacity to 40% and fill to 40% to blend the darkness of the skys with the buildings together, I also added some darkness below the description of the game so the description stands out.

I then added the title 'Soulkeeper' I placed it on the black sky to make it stand out

I changed the colour of it to grey so it suits the dark setting, I added an outer glow which was white this is so it is eye-catching and glows.

When creating the moon I used the ellipse tool to create a white circle on a black background.

I added bevel and emboss to the circle which gave it a 3D effect, I also added contour and  texture which was from photoshops own selection, the texture looks realistic and gives realism to the circle, I added inner glow and inner shadows to give it a small shadow on the outline. Also I added outer glow to make it look like there is light coming from the moon.

After that I added the moon on the side of the image so it looks like the moon is shining over the dark city.

 I then added the title again onto the side of the game cover and I added 'Londons last stand' to finish the description I done this in white too , then I added my evil character on the front cover.

I then added an outer glow on the evil character to make him stand out, and blend in with the front cover,

This is my finalized game cover, I believe everything went successful because all the colours match the evil theme, such as the title which matches the grey on the characters mask, and the black and white theme.

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