Tuesday 26 April 2016

Research into Characters (Marvel)

                                                            Research Into Marvel books

                             Michael Stratczynki, J (2007). Thor vol 3. Us: Marvel.


For my research I looked into Marvel books such as this one which is called ''Thor'' this is to get ideas from the different characters and to see how their masks and identity could help me with my final design. And what colours are mostly used within the masks

                                                                    Character : Iron Man

This characters identity looks very mysterious due to his metal covered suit , The suit has two colors red and gold this is is eye catching because it has simple colours on it and its not too vibrant, I would want my characters identity to have two or maybe three colours on it. The mask looks detailed has  a simple yet effective design, 

                                                           Character : The Destroyer

This characters suit is completely metallic and shiny, I like how the mask looks because the metal gives it many tones, textures and lighting effects, also the mask includes a helmet from protection of combat. The spikes make the character look invincible.

                                                                  Character : Dr Doom

This characters face/mask looks cryptic due to the facial expression of the mask, the design looks like its made out of strong steel, the cape covers the top part of the characters head which makes the character look mystifying,

                                     Miller, M (2005). The Ultimates Vol 2. Us: Marvel
This was the second book I researched into other characters

This characters mask looks simple because it is a half face mask, which is satisfying to the viewers because you can see the bottom half of his face which means hes hidden but not 100% hidden so the viewers can guess what the character looks like,  it has only used one colour which is red, this colour is basic but yet effective and eye-catching. I would want my hero characters to have a half face mask so they reveal a little identity.


  1. Who are the concept artists for Marvel? this could be a helpful area of research.

  2. You mention a 'half face mask' is 'satisfying'... why do you think this is?
