Tuesday 10 May 2016

Survey Monkey Results

Survey Monkey results

 Almost 100% of responses from my survey got this question correct, this was to see how popular Call of Duty series are, because my game cover is going to have some battle/war features on it. My game is going to be popular because games similar have many attention.
 63.64% of responses from my survey preffered That the characters masks should have 3-4 colours on it therefore I added that many colours to make the masks stand out and and give them more detail instead of having a few selection of colours.

54.55% of responses preferred a half face mask, whilst the other 45.45% preferred a full face mask, therefore for the hero I added a half face mask and for the villain I added  make a full face mask for - scary effects.

 Over 80% of responses chose dark with some light therefore for the villains cove rI added dark with some light and for the hero character I made the background  bright and sunny.
From my results from question six I  got  45.45% of people stating that I should have the hero on the front cover and another 54.55% stating that I should have the villian On the front cover, since I'm doing two game covers and a poster I made one game cover with the villain  and the other game cover with the hero on.
All responses 100% chose I should have a city scape therefore I addeda city scape for both of my backgrounds I Made one of them look dark with some light and the other cover background  bright and sunny which will be the hero.

In conclusion I believe Survey Monkeys results have helped me choose what designs were suitable for my game covers and poster, without the help of other peoples opinions It would've been hard for me to decide what to put on my game covers and poster.

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